Use of proceeds

The allocation of funds raised by Tracer is a critical aspect of the ecosystem's development and growth strategy. The use of proceeds, as illustrated in the pie chart and the accompanying graph, demonstrates Tracer's commitment to building a robust, secure, and user-friendly ecosystem that can drive the adoption of carbon removal solutions on a global scale.

The largest share of the funds, at 29.5%, is allocated to software development. This highlights Tracer's focus on creating a cutting-edge ecosystem that leverages the latest blockchain technologies and decentralized finance (DeFi) solutions to enable the efficient trading and management of carbon removal credits. By investing heavily in software development, Tracer aims to ensure that its ecosystem remains at the forefront of innovation in the carbon removal market.

Operations and payroll account for the second-largest share of the funds, at 22.8%. This reflects Tracer's commitment to building a strong and experienced team that can drive the ecosystem's growth and ensure its smooth operation. By allocating a significant portion of the funds to operations and payroll, Tracer can attract and retain top talent in the fields of blockchain development, carbon markets, and financial services.

Incentives for buyers, exchanges, and suppliers are another key area of focus, with 12.7% of the funds allocated to this purpose. By providing incentives to these key stakeholders, Tracer aims to accelerate the adoption of its ecosystem and create a vibrant ecosystem of buyers, sellers, and market makers. This, in turn, will help to drive liquidity and price discovery in the carbon removal market, making it easier for project developers to access the funding they need to scale their operations.

Other areas of fund allocation include market making (4.7%), security (3.5%), marketing (7.6%), legal and compliance (9.0%), and a contingency fund for unforeseen expenses (9.4%). These allocations demonstrate Tracer's comprehensive approach to building a secure, compliant, and user-friendly suite of software solutions that can support the growth of the carbon removal industry.

The next graph showing the projected use of funds from 2024 to 2027 further illustrates Tracer's long-term vision and commitment to sustainable growth. As the ecosystem matures and the ecosystem expands, the allocation of funds is expected to shift, with a greater emphasis on incentives for buyers, exchanges, and suppliers, as well as ongoing software development to ensure that Tracer remains at the cutting edge of the carbon removal market.

By carefully allocating the funds raised, Tracer is positioning itself to become a leading player in the carbon removal market, driving the adoption of innovative solutions and contributing to the global fight against climate change.

Last updated