
Tracer overview

The urgent need for massive carbon dioxide removal

The urgent need to stop climate warming has never been more apparent. Even if we were to achieve a carbon-neutral economy today, the vast amount of greenhouse gasses accumulated in the atmosphere over centuries (2.2 Tera tons of CO2) will continue to drive global warming for thousands of years. This stark reality underscores the critical importance of actively removing existing carbon dioxide (CDR), in addition to reducing and avoiding future emissions.

However, the current carbon credit market, intended to fund emission reduction and removal projects, suffers from significant shortcomings that hinder its effectiveness and scalability. These challenges include a lack of transparency, fragmentation, and illiquidity, which have prevented the market from realizing its full potential as a key tool in the fight against climate change.

Meanwhile, demand for high-quality carbon removal credits is surging as more companies and governments set ambitious net-zero targets. Buyers are increasingly willing to pay premium prices for credits representing genuine, permanent removal of carbon dioxide. However, access to an ample supply of trusted carbon removal credits remains constrained by the current lack of market efficiency, threatening to stall the urgent scaling of CDR solutions.

How Tracer unleashes the potential of the carbon removal market

Tracer aims to address these challenges by providing an innovative blockchain-based solution that delivers trust, transparency, and liquidity to the carbon removal market. By leveraging a dual-token system, a robust grading framework, and advanced financial instruments, Tracer creates a unified approach for the efficient issuance, trading, and management of high-quality carbon removal credits.

The Tracer ecosystem is powered by two primary tokens: the Tracer token (TRCR) for governance and incentivization, and the Carrot token (CRRT) for representing 1 ton of removed carbon dioxide. The Tracer DAO plays a central role in ensuring the integrity and growth of the ecosystem by aligning stakeholder interests through its governance mechanisms and incentive structures.

Tracer's go-to-market strategy focuses on empowering the long tail of carbon removal suppliers, incentivizing developers to build innovative financial products, and partnering with exchanges and other third parties to gain adoption.


The project's tokenomics are designed to support long-term sustainability and growth, with a balanced distribution of tokens, token locks for the team and vesting schedules for other stakeholder groups. A buy and burn mechanism aligns Tracer token ownership with the growth and success of the Carrot economy.

The team and advisors

Tracer's team and advisors bring together a wealth of expertise and experience across technology, finance, law, and sustainability. This multidisciplinary group is well-positioned to lead the development and growth of the Tracer ecosystem.


As the world grapples with the urgent need to address climate change, Tracer presents a unique solution that accelerates the growth and maturation of the carbon removal industry. By providing a transparent, efficient, and accessible infrastructure for high-quality carbon removals, Tracer makes a significant impact to the challenge to stop climate change, while creating substantial financial opportunities for all participants.

Humanity faces the greatest challenge with the threat of global warming. Reverting climate could turn into the financial opportunity of our era.

Last updated