Tracer's DAO: scaling growth and adoption

The Tracer DAO plays a crucial role in scaling its growth and adoption. By federating existing approaches to carbon credit removal project investing and delegating project selection to Endorsers, who are incumbents in the market and operate as 'register organizations' that perform project due diligence, the DAO ensures that Tracer can efficiently onboard a wide range of high-quality projects while maintaining the trust and integrity of the ecosystem.

This decentralized approach to growth and adoption allows Tracer to scale its operations rapidly without compromising on quality or security. As more Endorsers join the ecosystem and more projects are onboarded, the network effect of Tracer's ecosystem will continue to grow, attracting even more suppliers, developers, and (re)sellers to the ecosystem.

By focusing on empowering the long tail of suppliers, incentivizing developers to build innovative financial products, and partnering with (re)sellers to drive adoption, Tracer is well-positioned to capture a significant share of the growing carbon removal market. As the ecosystem continues to scale and evolve, it has the potential to become the go-to destination for anyone looking to participate in the carbon removal economy, whether as a supplier, buyer, developer, or (re)seller.

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