
The roadmap for Tracer's development and adoption is designed to ensure the ecosystem's success in the rapidly evolving carbon removal market. By setting clear milestones and objectives, the roadmap provides a strategic framework for the ecosystem's growth and helps align the efforts of all stakeholders, including the development team, Endorsers, suppliers, and partners.

The roadmap, as illustrated in the graph, spans from 2024 to 2027 and beyond, highlighting key initiatives and deliverables at each stage. In 2024, the focus is on establishing the foundation for Tracer's ecosystem, including the development of the TRCR smart contract, onboarding of initial Endorsers, and the first committed exchange for Carrot token trading.

As the ecosystem progresses through 2025 and 2026, the emphasis shifts towards expanding the ecosystem and introducing new features and functionalities. This includes the development of the Carrot smart contract, the creation of a real-time pricing model, and the introduction of the First Future Carrot sales and an incentive program for exchanges and other seller third parties.

By 2027 and beyond, Tracer aims to have established itself as a leading player in the carbon removal market, with a thriving ecosystem of suppliers, buyers, developers, and partners. The ecosystem will continue to innovate and adapt to market needs, ensuring its long-term sustainability and success.

In the following sections, we will delve deeper into each stage of the roadmap, exploring the specific initiatives and objectives that will drive Tracer's growth and adoption in the coming years.

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